The older I get, the more I think about friends and loved ones who have gone to heaven before me. I start thinking about how great it will be to see them again. And it will be great. But as much as I want to see them, who I really want to see is Jesus….
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Lessons and studies from the Bible
Blessed are the Merciful
Jesus begins his famous Sermon on the Mount with a series of verses known as the Beatitudes. The name comes from the Latin word for “blessings,” and Jesus starts each verse with the word “blessed,” which can also mean “fortunate,” “to be congratulated,” and “happy.” We’re looking at each verse individually, but if you step…
Read MoreBlessed are Those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount with what has become known as the “Beatitudes.” These verses are statements about certain people who are “blessed” or “happy,” and they show the process of transforming from an unsaved enemy of God into a fully devoted follower of Christ. This movement goes beyond…
Read MoreBlessed are the Meek
We’re continuing our look at the Beatitudes. These are the statements made by Jesus at the beginning of his Sermon on the Mount. He’s teaching his disciples who it is that will be blessed and happy in life, and the third statement he makes is: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”…
Read MoreBlessed Are Those Who Mourn
Jesus is sitting on a hillside teaching his disciples while a large crowd of people listens in. He begins his message by letting his followers know who will find true happiness in life. The happiness or blessedness that Jesus is talking about isn’t based on circumstances or money or success or possessions. When Jesus says…
Read MoreBlessed are the Poor in Spirit
One day Jesus went up on a hillside and sat down. His disciples, those who had already chosen to follow Jesus, came to where he was sitting, and he began to teach them. A large group of people listened in on the lesson, so Jesus had two audiences that day, his followers and the crowd….
Read MoreNo More Excuses
One day God called Moses to do something extraordinary and seemingly impossible — to stand up to the most powerful man in the world and lead the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. In the resulting conversation, Moses gave God several excuses for not agreeing to accept this call, both by asking questions…
Read MoreTwo Final Excuses
God is still talking to Moses at the burning bush (see previous posts here and here), calling him to be the man who leads the people of Israel out of Egyptian slavery. And Moses is still giving God excuses as to why he can’t do what God is leading him to do. As far as…
Read MoreJust Who Are You?
The Bible tells us that one day a man named Moses walked up on a bush that was on fire but didn’t burn up. Moses was a Hebrew who was raised as an Egyptian prince but had to flee the country because he murdered a man. God was in the bush, and he called Moses,…
Read MoreResponding to the Call of God
As a dad, sometimes you do things that your children enjoy just so you can spend time with them. Doing what they like to do gives you something to talk about together. Like watching the TV show “Say Yes to the Dress.” It’s the show where brides go with friends and family to the bridal…
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