- Are You a Disciple?
- The Key is Surrender
- The Old You vs. The New You
- Time for a Check-Up
- Learning to Float Upriver
- It’s About Time
- The Bible in Your Quiet Time
- Your Daily Quiet Time
- Livin’ On A Prayer
- To Serve Man
- What’s That About Spiritual Gifts?
- Together We Stand…
- Growing Through Giving
- Don’t Be a Dead Sea Christian
- All You Need Is Love
Here’s something that I find very interesting: in the New Testament, long before followers of Christ were called “Christians,” they were called by a very different name – they were called “disciples.”
The term “disciple” in the world of Jesus’ day meant someone who was a learner, a student, someone who was committed to the teachings of a particular master or rabbi. While our first thought is probably the “Twelve Disciples,” the word actually became attached to all who believed that Jesus was the resurrected Messiah. We see this especially as seen in the book of Acts (6:1-2; 9:1, 10, 19, 26; 11:26-29). All who heard and believed the gospel were known as “disciples.”
I actually like that. Because I want to be more than a Christian. I want to be a “disciple.” I want to be a learner. I want people to see that, no matter how old I am, I am still learning what it means to obey Christ, I am still learning Scripture, I am still learning to know God more and more. I am still a learner.
And I want to be a follower, an apprentice. I want to be someone who is completely committed to living the way Jesus would have me live, even though I still fail miserably at this.
In short, I want to be more and more like Jesus.
In Romans, just after Paul tells us the amazing truth in 8:28 that “all things work together for good” for those who love God, he also gives us this verse…
For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. (Romans 8:29)
I have a really long way to go, but I want to be conformed to the image of Jesus! I want to be more and more like Jesus! I want to spend the rest of my life learning and growing and changing from the inside out, allowing God to make me look more and more like his Son.
Imagine if every “Christian” took seriously our roles as “disciples.” Then when someone was asked, “What image comes into your head when you hear the word ‘Christian’?” they would simply say, “Jesus.”
But this kind of spiritual growth doesn’t just happen. No one over time simply falls into being like Jesus. Being a “disciple” requires “discipline.” It requires training. Listen to what Paul said to Timothy:
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8, NIV)
“Godliness” means to be like Jesus in attitude and action, and Paul is telling Timothy that godliness is something we should strive for and train for like an athlete. The aim of every Christian, every “disciple,” should be to be like Jesus, and there are some disciplines we can add to our lives that will help us move toward godliness.
If you feel like you haven’t arrived at perfect Christlikeness, join the club! We can, however, allow God to change us, to make us more and more like Him. We can practice some disciplines that will help us grow into the men and women God is calling us to be. Where do we begin? Keep an eye on this blog!